With Christmas just around the corner, I am getting pretty excited! I love this time of year. Spending Time with friends and family, having a break from work, eating lots of delicious food – What’s not to love? Last year a couple of friends and I had a christmas party where everyone contributed to the dinner. The rule was that you had to make something that you have never made before. It was fun! Some one brought a salad, soup, homemade bread with a homemade garlic butter (Mmm. I still think about it!), a couple of people brought vegetables, someone did meat, potatoes, and dessert. Let’s just say by the end of the night, we were more than satisfied! I had a blast setting the table and decorating my house for it:)
We all got dressed up, laughed so hard while dancing to the song fancy, drank lots of coffee, and did a stocking exchange. Everyone filled a stocking, and brought it to the party. We all drew a number and that was the stocking you went home with. It was so fun to see what kind of things people thought of to put in the stockings. I look back on this night with fond memories, and I’m excited to make more this christmas! I would love to hear what your favourite thing about christmas is! -Heidi
For favours, I got clear plastic christmas ornament balls and filled them with an herb mixture that I made to be a bread dip if you mixed it in olive oil.